How Long Do Wax Worms Last In The Fridge? The Exact Answer Is Here!

Wax worms are excellent live baits and suitable for fishing many species. Moreover, with proper care, the worms can last for several weeks. 

Anglers often store them in the fridge to lengthen their lifespan, but how long do wax worms last in the fridge?

If you use the worms as bait, you won’t want to miss this post. We will give you the ultimate guide to caring for these valuable baits. 

Now, let’s read on and gather the information for your next fishing trip! 

how long do wax worms last in fridge

How Long Do Wax Worms Last In The Fridge? 

Do you store dead wax worms or alive ones? If they are still alive, the cool temperature in the fridge can help them live for several weeks. 

However, they can last for months if you want to store the dead ones there. 

Please note that the ideal temperature for worms is around 50 to 60°F. So, if your area is that cold, you don’t have to keep your bait in the fridge. 

On the other hand, placing the worms in the coldest area of a refrigerator will lead to severe problems and sometimes deaths. 

What are wax worms?

Wax worms are wax moth’s larvae. People have produced them commercially for wide use. Worms are soft and small, so anglers like to use them as live baits. 

  • Appearance

In general, waxworms are smaller than an inch long, with a highly smooth, waxy, and dry exterior. 

They have a creamy interior texture. When pierced by a fishing hook, they will emit a fish-attracting odor. 

The worms often have two eyes at the front. Their bodies are white or yellowish, looking like caterpillars.  

  • Origin 

You can find wax worms in many places around the world. They have unnaturally expanded to countries in Australia, Europe, North America, and other regions.

How to store wax worms?

A steady low temperature of between 55 and 60 degrees is perfect for wax worms to maintain their latent condition and extend their shelf life.

Most fridges are too cold to keep them in. Yet, a wine cooler or the fridge door is a bit warmer and can work fine. 

Besides, it is crucial to keep them dry during storage. Remove the covers from the containers holding the bedding for the air to escape out if it looks damp. 

What Are Wax Worms Used For?  

Wax worms can breed naturally, but people often interfere with this process because they want to increase the worm population to serve two purposes: 


Wax worms make fantastic fishing baits. Because they resemble many different insects in the larval stage, they can attract almost any fish species. 

The worms are common for ice fishing as well. However, these baits are not good choices if you fish in the winter.

Because fish will see this calorie-dense food easily in warm waters, they work better there.

Wax worms are different from other bait found in frequently fished areas. Hence, panfish may interact with them even more. 

They eventually come upon a meal filled with calories and find it hard to resist. 

Another advantage of using wax worms for fishing is that they are very soft, making them easier to hook.  

Food for other animals 

With their high-fat content, waxworms make meals for undernourished pets. 

How To Care For Wax Worms? 

Since wax worms are good baits, anglers look for ways to take care of them, making them fat to attract their prey effortlessly. 

Here are two tips that experienced anglers share about caring the worms:


You can keep the worms in the same container that you get them. But if you want to move them to another container, you will need three things:

  • A plastic tub
  • A cover: Waxworms will turn into wax moths. Yet, you don’t need the moths for your fishing. You can cover the container to prevent its development. 
  • Ventilation: You can punch holes or cut out some windows in the containers to promote ventilation.  


Your waxworms won’t require feeding because refrigeration makes them motionless. Hence, you don’t have to worry about their diets. 

Even though the worms might not pupate during this inactive state, their bodies gradually burn the fat reserves they’ve accumulated. In the end, they will become less nutrient-rich. 

Consequently, it is advisable only to purchase as many wax worms as you can handle in a few weeks. 

Interesting Facts About Wax Worms 

Wax worms are also popular for some of their interesting traits. We have compiled some right here:

  • Waxworms get their name because they can consume beeswax combs and live in and around beehives.
  • When kept at cold temperatures, they can survive for a very long time without nourishment.
  • Waxworms don’t need feeding. You only need to remove dead worms (they will turn black) and any worms with spinning cocoons to keep the rest healthy. 
  • To throw the dead worms away, put them in an escape-proof container or bag, freeze them for one day, and dispose of them in the garbage trash. 
  • Never release the dead worms in the wild since they could harm the ecosystem.
  • A wax worm contains 58.5% of moisture, 14.1% of protein, 24.9% of fat, and 3.4% of fiber. 
  • When compared to other feeders, waxworms have an exceedingly high-fat content, although they are small. 
  • You can distinguish a male from a female by looking at the rear edge of the wing. The margin is curved in males, whereas it is straight in females.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Can fish eat dead wax worms?

Yes. Waxworms are excellent live bait. When they are happy and alive, they make the ideal bait.

However, as long as they appear fresh and keep moisture, dead worms still work efficiently. 

Q: How much are wax worms?

One cup of 250 worms may cost $11. The price varies depending on the area where you fish, bait shops, commercial producers, and the quantity in one cup.  

Q: Which is better, wax worms or artificial baits?

Live worms do a much better job of attracting fish, thanks to their smell. 

Moreover, you can’t use artificial baits to mimic the appearance, smell, and movement of live worms. Hence, wax worms are more excellent choices than artificial baits.  

However, it’s important to note that certain places may have regulations restricting anglers from using certain kinds of live bait.

Q: Do fish eat dead wax worms?

Yes. As long as the worms still look fresh and retain their moisture, they are delicious food for fish. 

Q: What happens if you don’t refrigerate wax worms?

You don’t have to store these baits in the refrigerator. Instead, make sure to give them a temperature of 55-60°F. Otherwise, they will die. 

Q: Where is the best place to store wax worms? 

The ideal place to store wax worms must meet these requirements:

  • Temperature: The temperature of 55-60°F is perfect for your worms to thrive. 
  • Ventilation: Wax worms prefer low humidity. Hence, consider installing holes or windows in the storage place. 
  • Cover: Waxworms pupate and become wax moths very soon. If they are not confined, the storage place may get infested.


When kept at the right temperature, wax worms can live for several weeks. 

You should also check for moisture to ensure optimal living conditions. The only thing you can miss is feeding, as these species don’t need to drink or eat. 

Live baits are attractive to fish. Hopefully, our guide on caring for worm baits will help with your fishing trip. Thank you for reading! 

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