What Size Motor for 16 Foot Aluminum Boat?

Do you have an aluminum boat to give you the advantage when out fishing? You’re probably about the parts it needs for it to run smoothly, particularly the motor. That’s why you need to know what size motor for 16 foot aluminum boat you need for your boat to perform excellently.

Not only will a good boat help protect your aluminum boat and have it work well, it will also keep you safe in the waters. That said, read on to learn all about what motor your boat needs.

what size motor for 16 foot aluminum boat

About 16 Foot Aluminum Boats

Aluminum boats are very versatile, brought to the open seas for fishing, lakes for leisure activities, and a lot more other water activities. These boats are lightweight and you can customize it depending on what you want to use it for.

Its overall size matters when you are looking for the best motor size, and the quote, ‘the bigger, the better’, definitely doesn’t apply with these types of boats. If you get a motor too small for your boat size, you end up not having the power you want. Get a motor too big, you might end up getting too much power you didn’t need, wasting your money (and it’s heavier to carry).

The way you will use it will also help you determine what size motor for 16 foot aluminum boat you need. If you like going rough and plan to go out to the open seas for fishing, you’ll want something a bit stronger. However, if it is for leisure activities, you won’t need too much power.

You’ll also need to consider how many passengers there will be and the weight your boat plans to take on average during every use. 16 foot aluminum boats can hold 4 people properly, including their belongings. Fewer people won’t require the most powerful motor since the boat won’t carry much, but a boat carrying the maximum load will need a bigger motor with more horsepower to take on the load.

Heavier boats will need a bigger horsepower motor to give it the thrust required for propelling. This is why a boat with more passengers and gear will require bigger engines and more power.

What Size Motor for 16 Foot Aluminum Boat?

Aluminum boats will need motors that range from 50 to 300 horsepower. For an aluminum boat that is 16 feet long, the average motor needed would be a 60 horsepower motor. This can go between 25-30 miles an hour, though the load your boat carries may affect the speed.

Can’t you go higher? Not really. Larger and more expensive motors aren’t compatible with 16 foot aluminum boats. The highest recommended is up to 115-130 horsepower, if your boat carries a heavy load and will do a lot of activities! This has great planning fuel economy within 23-28mph range and can go up to 35-45mph.

Think about it: What do you need out of such a high horsepower? It ends up being a waste of money and

Other Factors to Consider When Choosing a Motor

Besides what was mentioned above, there are more factors to consider when selecting the right-sized motor for your 16 foot aluminum boat. Here are what to consider:

1. Trolling vs Outboard

Trolling motors are small and lightweight so they don’t take a lot of space on the boat and won’t weigh it down. However, they aren’t powerful and won’t get a boat on plane well.

That said, you’ll want outboard motors for aluminum boats, as it has an extra thrust to achieve greater speeds while running smoothly.

2. Electric vs Gas

If you do decide for a trolling motor, you’ll need to choose between gas or battery powered motors. Gas motors are a popular choice because of the thrust it provides compared to electric motors.

However, electric motors are far lighter and don’t need a gas tank. They are also quieter, which may be more appreciated by anglers, since gas motors are louder and noisier, scaring fish. But again, you only get enough power to move your boat to a fishing spot, which isn’t the best if you plan to use the boat for other fun activities.

3. The Price

Expect the price to be a bit on the higher side when it comes to choosing an outboard engine. They cost a bit higher but are very reliable and will be a worthy investment for a lot of fishing trips to come. Plus, boats with these kinds of motors would sell faster and better compared to others, so you get your money back.

In Conclusion

Selecting the best motor for your aluminum boat can be tough, but it will be worth the research and effort in the long run. This will have your boat last long and run efficiently for many fishing trips to come. It all boils down to considering the important factors and getting something adequately-sized for your boat and individual needs.

I hope that you learned a lot about what motor you will need in a 16 foot aluminum boat and how to choose one efficiently. Keep this information in mind as you. Go motor shopping for your aluminum boat to ensure you are making a worthy investment. Good luck!

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